Monday, July 11, 2011


I spent the weekend at my friend, Alex's house. She just got home from the hospital Friday after being in a horrible car accident. She swerved to avoid hitting a squirrel and flipped her car four times. She had to get reconstructive surgery on her left knee, stitches for a gash on her right knee, has a partially collapsed lung, fractured three of her vertebrae and got a bad case of seatbelt burn.

The part that broke my heart the most was the story of her boyfriend/ex boyfriend, I'm not sure where they are at in their relationship again, saved her. The accident was on his street and he heard it from his house. Alex said that he came running down the street. Upon getting to the car he crawled on his hands and knees through glass to get to her. He ripped open the window with his bare hands, his own blood running down his arms. All the while he was bargaining with God to save her, take him instead, to not let the person he loved die.

I'd have to be made entirely out of stone to not have that touch my heart. I've been naive. I complain about my broken heart and how I loved someone...but I don't know if I've ever loved someone that much. I've never had to test my love like that. I can't imagine being in a situation where I'd actually risk my safety for the person I love. I assume that if the time came up, I would indeed do that. For people who have become jaded with others, have to admit that this story is eye awakening. How can you say people suck, when there is someone out there willing to do that?

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