Tuesday, August 3, 2010

RIP Kitty Gaga

So the kitten myself and my brother's girlfriend, Jackie, like went missing around wednesday thursday of last week. My mother and I had decided that she had somehow gotten outside since she didn't come to her name, we didn't see her on the porch anywhere, and she hadn't gotten into the house. My little Gaga was gone and although remotely sad, I had hoped she'd just gotten lost in the woods and a nice family had taken her in. Unfortunately my mother found her dead on the porch, under a chair, earlier today. I had the pleasure of burying her. Can I just say you'd think I'd be use to this shit. Buried my grandfather about 2 months ago, buried another kitten about a month before that. Also let's not forget about the kitten I accidently hit in the driveway about 4-5 months ago...Prehaps this one was a bit more difficult because I actually had an attachment to this kitten. She's the first kitten/cat that I've liked thats died. All the others before her just ran away into the woods, never to be seen again. Hmm but life goes on, the world continues to turn, and tomorrow she'll be forgotten.

1 comment:

    no cause of death? I hope the rest (like my baby mooshu) is good and healthy.
