Friday, July 23, 2010

I will be loved.

Alright. I'm thinking postive. I will be loved...because I love myself. I'm going to list 20 things I love about myself. Here we go:
1. I think outside the box.
2. My awesome curly hair.
3. My BEAUTIFUL green eyes.
4. My scuplted back.
5. How great I look in heels.
6. How I generally look good in anything.
7. My intellect.
8. That I enjoy reading.
9. That I'm in college as a dance major.
10. How I can come up with choreography.
11. That I'm content with just staring at the stars.
12. My fierce rocker chick look.
13. That I'm not afraid to travel.
14. My hips.
15. My thin physique.
16. How I can lead a group.
17. How I can let someone else take the reins.
18. My diy-ness.
19. My endless dreams.
20. How I never let anyone or anything keep me down.
I am important. I am worthy. I am vaulable. I am not a piece of meat. I am not a piece of ass. I am more than some people give me credit for. I am something to covet. As my roommate Jenny said to me earlier this week, "fact: sarah garceau is awesome and the boy who takes her off the playing field will be one VERY lucky boy." Fuck yeah.

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